The Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) is a tax credit scheme in England and Northern Ireland designed to compensate for the negative impacts of landfill sites on surrounding communities and the environment. The scheme serves as a mechanism for engaging Landfill Operators (LOs) in improving the surrounding communities and areas affected by their operations.
Under the Scheme, LOs are required to allocate a portion of their Landfill Tax liability to not-for-profit organisations that award funding to community and environmental projects near landfill sites. The funds support various initiatives such as environmental conservation, improvements to community infrastructure, and recreational projects, all aimed at improving the quality of life and environment in areas adjacent to landfill sites.
Note that not all funders support all project types and may have additional requirements. Detailed information on funders and project types is available on the Finding Funding page, along with our introductory videos to the LCF.
To obtain funding, applicants typically approach one of the registered funding organisations, which may have additional eligibility criteria; this funding body will then register the project with Entrust on behalf of the project applicant. To be clear, an organisation will only need to enrol with Entrust, or remain enrolled, if they are receiving funds directly from a Landfill Operator. All projects must be registered and approved by Entrust before any LCF funds are spent.
For more information on the scheme, including finding funding, enrolling as an EB, project registration, and accessing resources and guides, please visit the relevant sections on our website detailed below.
You can also call our Helpline on 01926 488 300 (Monday to Friday 9am – 4:30pm) and they can help to explain the scheme, provide advice and guidance on the LCF and direct you to your next steps.