News Archive May 2022

26 May 2022

Cyber Security - Passwords and ENTRUST Online (EOL)

Cyber security is a critical issue in the 21st Century - whether operating as an organisation or as in individual in our daily lives. Cyber security encompasses the protection of computers and devices like smartphones or systems from accidental or intentional malevolent attack. More...

25 May 2022

Roll forward of ENTRUST Online (EOL) to 2022/2023

We have rolled forward the financial year in ENTRUST Online (EOL) to 2022/2023. This means that an Environmental Body's Statutory Annual Return for 2022/2023 is now available. All previous year returns are available through the drop down menu. More...

16 May 2022

ENTRUST EB Satisfaction Survey 2022 now open

We are committed to improving our performance and the quality of the regulatory services we provide to our stakeholders. To ensure we are making progress each year, we ask enrolled Environmental Bodies (EBs) regulated by us to provide us with information on their level of satisfaction with us and our services as the regulator of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). More...