Cyber Threat Report Published: UK Charity Sector

2 Feb 2023

At Entrust, we take the safety and security of our stakeholder's information very seriously. We believe that no one should ever be exposed to malicious attack or other forms of digital threats, and we have taken several decisive steps in order to mitigate the risk of a cyber attack on our business.

As the Regulator of the LCF we also believe that it is important to share best practice information with our stakeholders to help them mitigate the risk of cyber security attacks on their own organisations. 

In light of this, we would like to draw the attention of Environmental Bodies (EBs) to a recent report from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC); outlining the challenges that charities of all sizes now face. 

The report in question—Cyber Threat Report: UK Charity Sector—draws on extensive consultation with experts within the NCSC, other government departments and open sources, and was written with the support of The Charity Commission for England and Wales.

Among other things, it helps charities better understand current cyber security threats, looks at where they can go for help, and how they can improve cyber security within their own organisations—quickly, easily and at low cost. We highly recommend that all EBs read it so that they can experience a more secure digital landscape.