ENTRUST Annual Accounts 2014/2015

3 Jul 2015

We are pleased to publish our audited accounts for 2014/2015.

These show an operating surplus before interest and taxation of £247,340 (2014: £22,805) and a surplus on ordinary activities after interest and taxation of £256,059 (2014: £34,199). This includes levy income for contributions deferred from 2013/2014 and makes up the shortfall in levy from the previous year.

The amount we hold within our deferred income stands at £1.468m, which includes a provision of £1.317m to fund scheme closure activity across England, Wales and Northern Ireland with the balance held to fund the first year of closure activity in Scotland during 2015/2016 and to fund the future redevelopment of ENTRUST online (EOL).

The full document is available to read on the right hand side of this page.