ENTRUST Annual Report 2014/2015

7 Jul 2015

We are pleased to publish our Annual Report, which reviews our achievements and performance during the 2014/2015 financial year.

The last 12 months have been an important time for ENTRUST. In addition to delivering our core business, we have also been working on a number of strategic streams of work, with various partners. These tasks include:

  • supporting Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in preparing their consultation exercise proposing reforms to the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF);
  • working with a range of stakeholders to prepare for the closure of the LCF in Scotland; and
  • engaging with the Welsh Government on its plans for the future of the LCF in Wales.

Despite managing these additional tasks and operating within a challenging financial climate, we delivered all of our KPIs and objectives. Furthermore, it was pleasing and rewarding to note that our stakeholders recognised that our performance levels had improved during the year.

Some of our other notable successes during the year include:

  • exceeding our compliance inspection target by completing 338 reviews (six per cent above the target). Furthermore, Environmental Bodies (EBs) subject to a review accounted for 98 per cent of the unspent LCF funds held;
  • we continued to enrol 98.7 per cent of EBs and register 99.6 per cent of new projects within five working days - both above our KPI targets; and
  • we increased our stakeholders use of e-technology.

In 2014/2015 we have provided a strong foundation to ensure that the future challenges that we and the sector face will be fully met and supported by our partners.

The summary document outlines our achievements across the year. You can also read the document in full for further details on our activities and achievements in 2014/2015.