ENTRUST working arrangements during Coronavirus: Covid-19

13 Mar 2020

As a responsible organisation, ENTRUST has taken appropriate and proportionate steps to ensure that we carry on providing services to our stakeholders, while fully complying with the UK Government and Public Health England's guidance in helping to manage, mitigate and recognise the impact that the virus may have on our stakeholders and staff.

In particular, ENTRUST has a tried and tested Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and we are ready to implement any BCP measures as/if the situation changes in order to ensure the unaffected delivery of our services.

As we are in a fluid and rapidly changing situation, we are committed to not contributing to the spread of the virus and we are therefore mitigating our physical contacts with stakeholders, for example, we will only undertake compliance inspections, where both ENTRUST and the EB to be visited consider there is a minimal risk to do so.

As the situation develops, we will update our position and advice.