Compliance and Enforcement Findings Quarter 1 2018-2019

19 Jul 2018

To assist Environmental Bodies (EBs) to comply with the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 (Regulations) we publish a quarterly summary of our compliance and enforcement findings and the responses made by EBs.

The report for Quarter 1 of 2018/2019 is available on the right hand side of this page, on the 'Inspection Findings' page of our website and on the 'Enforcement Activity' page of the website. On either of these pages you can also find the full year report for 2017/2018.

We welcome feedback from EBs on the Compliance and Enforcement update document. In particular we would like to know which areas you find the most helpful for your EB and if there is any additional information you would like to see included. If you have any comments please email