Project Detail

Project details below

Connahs Quay Viewpoint

Connahs Quay Viewpoint overlooks the River Dee and this project forms part of a wider process of regeneration of the immediate area. The 'Viewpoint' was until recently a mostly inaccessible wasteland but has already been upgraded by the provision of a footpath and safety railings to enable safe access for the general public. A small pedestrianised area is also now planned with links to the Flintshire Council coastal footpath project. This application is for the provision of two fixed mooring benches which will be used by coastal walkers, visitors and the local population to enhance their experience of this amenity.
EB Number 390641 LCF Funding £2,494
Anticipated start date 7/2011 Total Project Cost £2,494
Anticipated end date 8/2011 Object D,
Project Postcode CH5 4DS
