Project Detail

Project details below

Biodiver-city - Treasured Space

Elba Park is a 52ha community park in Sunderland. The site is owned by The Land Trust and managed by Groundwork. In the four years we have been managing the site we have formed excellent relationships with partners & the community. We have created a well used resource which is open every day to the public. This large biodiversity project will allow us to create priority habitats listed in the Durham Biodiversity Action Plan and also create habitats to encourage priority species increasing biodiversity. We will work with schools, youth groups, members of the community and volunteers to create and manage these habitats. We will install a path and a gate as well as wildlife artwork through a woodland walk trail and interpretation for the site showing people what species to expect to see at Elba Park.
EB Number 233012 LCF Funding £17,250
Anticipated start date 10/2014 Total Project Cost £37,103
Anticipated end date 3/2015 Object D,
Project Postcode DH4 6GB
