All enrolled Environmental Bodies (EBs) have a statutory obligation to complete forms to update us on their activities as an EB.
On the right hand side of this page you will find information about the forms which need to be completed and the deadlines by which they must be submitted.
You can complete all forms and reporting quickly and simply online through our ENTRUST Online (EOL) system. If your Environmental Body is already enrolled with us and you wish to use EOL please ask your main contact to set you up as an EOL user. Alternatively, contact us on 01926 488 300.
In April 2020 we completed our move to 100 per cent e-delivery and online reporting of LCF activity. All paper forms have now been removed, with the exception of the main contact update form and the model constitution document which can be found in the paper forms section. We will continue to provide support to any individuals and EBs who find it difficult to work online, but we believe this is the most efficient and effective way to support reporting across the LCF.
If you would like any further information about enrolling as an EB, registering a project or submitting a form please see the relevant tabs on the right hand side of this page.
If you need any further assistance to complete the Forms through EOL please call us on 01926 488 300 or email the Helpline.